At heart to soles we're all about choice. To honor this we pre-select different styles from popular brands for each kid to choose from. You provide the donations and leave the shopping to us, based on the specific needs of our partners + community.
Coming Soon: Amazon Wishlist
We’ll let you know when our Unboxing Day 2024 needs are ready to share!
Online Donations
This is the easiest way to contribute to our cause.
Send a Check
If you would like to send a check, please make it out to “Heart to Soles” and send to:
Heart To Soles
5545 Crossler Meadow Loop SE
Salem, OR 97306
Donate Sneakers
We realize that some of you would rather pick the shoes and style yourself. Thats great! while we will not be able to give out at our larger events, we will keep all overstock in physical donations of new/gently used shoes for emergency placements of foster children. Often times kids are removed from their family home with little to no notice and without many of their possessions. together with our partnership with the department of human services we will strive to make sure each child has a pair of shoes. to coordinate a pick up or drop off contact us at
Donate Your Time
It takes a village! From handing out shoes to making signs, there are so many ways we could use your help. if you are interested in donating your time,
Buy a Heart to Soles Shirt
Support heart to soles and look good doing it! Email to snag your shirt!